17/8 - Job

17/8 - Job

By Anders Olsen Sandvik on

I was suppose to wakeup at ten. I guess that didn't happen. I wasn't out of my bed before twelve. One of the reasons is that I have to prepare for school. Waking up earlier and earlier each day. The other was that i was going to help Bergersen with his/our web page. I talked with him, explaining that i overslept. We arranged a meeting at Shell, a gas station 200 m from my house. I just had to take a shower first. We ordered an account for the web page. Someday I'm getting my own server, but not yet. Then we just talked waiting for a response from them. He was going to the movies with his girlfriend today, and I had to work. At ten to five my dad drove me to Varingskollen. We were there precisely at ten. It's another gas station. I helped to people today with road directions. Me actually, I am really bad in geography. Hopefully it helped. I caught a ride with my boss home. I met my parents in the driveway. They had been to a movie. The new one called "Knocked up". It is about a 40 year old virgin getting someone knocked up. I'd like to see it, but I haven't got the time. The whole family watched a episode together their on the second one and I'm on the fifth. Hopefully they can catch up with me. I won't watch before they do, even though i cant wait. So long...


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