Which apps do you have on your home screen?
By Anders Olsen Sandvik on
Apps have been in the wind lately, but those apps that are dearest and most important for us are the apps that are put on our home screen. In this post I will present which apps I have on my home screen (on my Galaxy Nexus) and why they are important to me. I also want to challenge you to share which apps are important to you.
The bottom row are for the four main apps. I have here chosen to have the phone, Gmail, Facebook messenger and the browser Chrome. I have setup Google Apps on my own domain. That is why I use the Gmail app for mail. I have also started to replace the regular text messaging app with the Facebook app that now also can send sms. My favorite browser is the Chrome browser. It easily syncs bookmarks, tabs and web history across devices. It also has simple, fast and minimalistic design.

First row
The first app is a flashlight button. Easy access to light is always nice to have. I also use two spaces for a big clock from the Beautiful widgets app. The last app is a calculator. This calculator has advanced function and can be used for most types of calculations.
Second row
Here I have the standard camera app and Facebook. I really love the design of DoubleTwists Alarm app. It has many functions and is really well designed. The last app is an open source app to keep track of which series I am watching called Myepisodes manager. I have been part of translating this app to Norwegian.
Third row
The first app is Pocket. This app is used to store articles I want to read later. The other three are music related. The Sonos app is for my Sonos system. Spotify for streaming music and DoubleTwists music player for podcasts.
Forth row
In this row I have Google Reader, Twitter, stock Contacts and Tasks. Tasks is really nice since it can be used offline. It also syncs with my Google tasks account.

Left side
First row
The first two spots are folders that contain all my games. The third app is Audiable. I use it to listen to audiobooks bought from Amazon. The last app is stock gallery to look at photos taken.
Second row
First app is Draw something. The app is not really used because they cant link my regular and Facebook account. The second is an app from The Verge for tech news. I don't really use this app. Then there is the Github app, not really used either. The last app is in my eyes essential. The app is used to set up two factor authentication on different sites. I use it right now for Dropbox and my Google Apps account.
Third row
This row are social apps and a game. Foursquare, Instagram, TinyTower and Yelp.
Forth row
Netflix, OneCall app, Endomondo and ZombieRun. The last two apps are used for exerciser the first two are not really used.

Right side
I am an avid calendar user an plan most of my daily events. The right side is reserved to displaying my calendar for easy access. At the bottom there is also a control panel for easy access to changing system properties.
Okay, so these are my apps. What are yours?