Oneshot Oslo 2015
By Anders Olsen Sandvik on
Mikeal Rogers #
10 Questions/Answers about io.js and The Node Foundation (Video)
Mats Olsen #
Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (Slides)
Slides from my talk at @nodeconfoslo available at https://t.co/DSZKmgvnO6. Thanks for listening!
— Mats Olsen (@mewwts) May 23, 2015
Mathias Buus #
Rethinking deployment for the future (Slides) (Video)
The slides for my #oneshot talk on rethinking deployment are now on github, https://t.co/2F3OJVnRdX @web_rebels
— Mathias Buus (@mafintosh) May 23, 2015
Magnus Green #
Azure + nodejs = true (Slides) (Video)
NodeJS + Azure = true https://t.co/AxD4IOlqjU via @SlideShare #nodejs #azure #nodeconfoslo
— Magnus Green (@magnusg) May 25, 2015
David Mark Clements #
Deploying microservices (Slides) (Video)
PDF of slides for @nodeconfoslo #microservices talk: https://t.co/lMzw3LrmEs\cc @digitalsadhu
— David Mark Clements (@davidmarkclem) May 23, 2015
Suz Hinton #
Don’t delete the datasheet - writing and publishing libraries for hardware in NodeJS (Slides) (Video)
For those wishing to read a deeper dive beyond the talk I did today, check out my blog post https://t.co/1HmXNp87v2 - cc @nodeconfoslo
— Suz Hinton (@noopkat) May 23, 2015
Suz aka @noopkat about to tell us more about hardware hacking @nodeconfoslo https://t.co/DQNOWZMsU3 pic.twitter.com/Opv6i0WCCX
— Ceej engine (@ceejbot) May 23, 2015
Eirik Langholm Vullum #
Building a news aggregator using streams (Slides) (Video)
C J Silverio #
Npm registry 2.0 deep dive (Slides) (Video)
#nodeconfoslo slides! https://t.co/9VLP55fuTsSource for the slides for this & my #webrebels talk: https://t.co/AQzug9XdhU
— Ceej engine (@ceejbot) May 23, 2015
substack #
Some fun things to do with svg (Video)