Web Rebels Day 2 2015
By Anders Olsen Sandvik on
Mathias Bynens #
JavaScript β₯ Unicode (Slides) (Video)
@web_rebels Slides and notes for my presentation on JavaScript, Unicode, and ECMAScript 6: https://t.co/DGBo5mbrEG #webrebels #π©
β Mathias Bynens (@mathias) May 22, 2015
βGo forth and spread piles of poo!β β @mathias with JavaScript β₯ Unicode. #webrebels pic.twitter.com/IFyfrIdRpI
β Elisabeth Irgens (@elisabethirg) May 22, 2015
Lars Hansen #
Shared-memory multicore computation in JavaScript (Video)
Lars Hansen of Mozilla's @SpiderMonkeyJS team talks extensible web, shared memory workers and SIMD in #JS! #webrebels pic.twitter.com/1WbDQJ3zod
β Flaki (@slsoftworks) May 22, 2015
#webrebels β βShared-memory multicore computation in JavaScriptβ by Lars Hansen. pic.twitter.com/WIjC5HOdDP
β Elisabeth Irgens (@elisabethirg) May 22, 2015
C J Silverio #
Cheating Gall's Law (Slides) (Video)
Slides for my talk βCheating Gall's Lawβ, on how we rewrote the npm registry:https://t.co/aYeCT6ilQw#webrebels
β Ceej engine (@ceejbot) May 22, 2015
#webrebels β @ceejbot sharing lessons learned from when npm replaced its monolithic registry and none of us noticed. pic.twitter.com/LZLrZTrH4l
β Elisabeth Irgens (@elisabethirg) May 22, 2015
David Rousset #
Creating immersive 3D and audio web experiences with Babylon.js (Slides) (Video)
Unleashing #WebGL & #WebAudio with #babylonjs #jquk Slides: https://t.co/qKySvFaeMp Demos: https://t.co/qoNHajhrAG
β David Rousset (@davrous) March 6, 2015
#webrebels β @davrous demoing immersive 3D and audio web experiences for us with Babylon.js pic.twitter.com/Pc5OzXTLq4
β Elisabeth Irgens (@elisabethirg) May 22, 2015
Suz Hinton #
Babbling with the merfolk: between the layers of JavaScript hardware (Slides) (Video)
Wheeee! Diving down between the layers of JS hardware with @noopkat. #webrebels pic.twitter.com/QHJb65YDPB
β Elisabeth Irgens (@elisabethirg) May 22, 2015
Thanks for having me, #webrebels! My slides are here -> https://t.co/EFlOdWNdxT π ππ¬π³ππππ
β Suz Hinton (@noopkat) May 22, 2015
Mairead Buchan #
VR in the browser with Leap motion and Google cardboard (Video)
Slides about Leap Motion, Google Cardboard and low fi VR can be found here: https://t.co/5WHgxWDjhR #webrebels
β Mairead Buchan (@tiny_m) May 23, 2015
VR in the browser with Leap motion and Google cardboard?! Sure thing, @tiny_m shows the #webrebels crowd how. pic.twitter.com/feLlqtzreg
β Elisabeth Irgens (@elisabethirg) May 22, 2015
Linda Sandvik #
Raising the next generation of rebels (Video)
Rebel @hyper_linda on raising the next generation of rebels. #webrebels \o/ pic.twitter.com/GedgtWUimW
β Elisabeth Irgens (@elisabethirg) May 22, 2015
Matthew Podwysocki #
Async Programming at Netflix (Slides) (Video)
β¦and wrapping up #webrebels 2015 sorcerer @mattpodwysocki wants you to remember one word: PUSH. pic.twitter.com/K5BlVD3lmQ
β Elisabeth Irgens (@elisabethirg) May 22, 2015
Group photo #

Also check out my write up of Oslo OneShot 2015.